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Winds of Change

Pastor Gary Stafford

Omegaman Radio Host

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Receive hope & understanding during the winds of change in 2022!

2022 Episodes
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Current Episodes:


Episode #9934 12/14/2022

Host: Gary Stafford & Shannon Davis

Joint Meeting

"Truth About the King James Bible - What You Need to Know"


Episode #9917 12/7/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Tom Hardiman

A director at MorningStar Fellowship Church and Fellowship of Ministries

"The Pursuit of God Your Creator"


Episode #9896 11/16/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Lisa Hartell

Author with a Mission.

If you and your family are hurting, broken, struggling, captive, in any way, you are not alone - Jesus is reaching out to you right now!

"Knowing Jesus and The Holy Spirit"


Episode #9873 11/9/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Mark Matheny

A Grizzly Bear attack survivor.

"Ways That God Intervenes - Even With Future Events"


Episode #9843 11/2/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Larry Byrd

President of The Oak Initiative

"Salvation, Purity, & Holiness Will Clean Up This Nation"


Episode #9819 10/26/2022

Host: Gary & Marilyn Stafford

Guest: N/A

"Freedom IS a Choice"


Episode #9793 10/19/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Dr. Jorge Parrott

President of CMM World Missions and College of Theology

We connect people who are hungry for authentic relationship with the Lord, with our friends in this international network, for His purpose.


Episode #9764 10/12/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Lynne Mattioni

Rachel's Cry Ministries: A ministry for those affected by abortion, crib death, inner-womb trauma, miscarriage, and stillbirth.  Through all of this, God can bring a process of true healing.


Episode #9736 10/5/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Dr. Alan Garren

GRM - Glory ReVive Ministries - Reaching the world together.

"We Are the Healed and NOT the Sick!"


Episode #9717 9/28/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: N/A

"Lord Prepare Us For Your Return"


Episode #9690 9/21/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Dr. Alan Garren

Glory ReVive Ministries


Episode #9664 9/14/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: N/A

"The Release of Power"


Episode #9645 9/7/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: N/A

"Praying and Prepared For Anything"


Episode #9625 8/31/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Robin & Phyllis Primrose

Crossing the Bar (ministries)

"Providing a safe place for those left isolated by trauma and PTSD... because no one should have to live with fear."


Episode #9604 8/24/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: N/A

"The Breakthrough of Revival"


Episode #9574 8/17/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: N/A

"Revival IS coming!"


Episode #9547 8/10/2022

Host: Gary & Marilyn Stafford

Guest: N/A

"Prepare For War - It's Here!"


Episode #9524 8/3/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Dave & Patty Lage

Holy Spirit Led Ministries

"Be Like Jesus"


Episode #9508 7/27/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: N/A

"To Be Empowered by Holy Spirit"


Episode #9483 7/20/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: N/A

"Don't Worry, The Lord IS HERE!"


Episode #9461 6/29/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Indira Persad

"Wait on the Lord!"


Episode #9426 6/22/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Robin & Phyllis Primrose

Crossing the Bar (ministries)

Divine healing and help with all forms of PTSD

"From Divination to Restoration"


Episode #9412 6/15/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Lyn Kost

Did You Learn How To Love. org

"Revelation and Code Breaking"


Episode #9399 6/8/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Reverend Dave & Reverend Patricia Lage

Holy Spirit Led Ministries - HSLM.US

"A Ministry proficient in healing, deliverance, and restoration. Be set free!"


Episode #9385 6/1/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

"Reaching Your Breakthrough Victory"


Episode #9370 5/25/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Thomas Burns

"The Team Work That Will Prepare Jesus' Return"


Episode #9349 5/18/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Rick Hill

"What Happens When You Answer The Call on Your Life"


Episode #9327 5/11/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Larry Byrd

The Oak Initiative

"Understanding The Oak Initiative!"


Episode #9311 5/4/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

"Do You Trust Me?" asks The Lord...


Episode #9294 4/27/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: John Boneck

"Your Identity as The Father's Son/Daughter"


Episode #9275 4/20/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Thomas Burns

"The Healing That Releases Your Destiny"


Episode #9256 4/13/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

"Understanding How The Lord Changes Situations Quickly"


Episode #9240 4/6/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Larry Byrd

The Oak Initiative

"What's happening now and what you need to know..."


Episode #9224 2/23/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Jorge Parrott

CMM Theology School


Episode #9204 2/9/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Jorge Parrott

CMM Theology School

"A New Awakening"


Episode #9185 2/2/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

"The Season We Are Now Entering"


Episode #9166  1/26/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: Bonnie Jones


Episode #----  1/19/2022

Host: Gary Stafford & Shannon Davis

Deliverance & Healing


Episode #----  1/12/2022

Host: Gary Stafford


Episode #9094  1/5/2022

Host: Gary Stafford

Guest: MaryAnn Hardiman






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