Healed by God's Grace and Daily Communion
Many years ago, I had a mature Christian suggest that I take daily communion. I thought that was excessive, but I said I would try. Well, it didn't happen for a variety of reason, such as I don't have time, I'm not in the mood, I just had a disagreement with my wife, I ran out of grape juice, etc.
Years later, I was about to have total knee replacement surgery on both knees and I received Rev. Joe Cohen's newsletter on miracles, signs, and wonders of taking daily communion. Knowing Joe as a friend and having six weeks of pre-surgery physical therapy, I told Joe I would do it.
Taking communion every day was easy, as I found myself drawing closer to the Lord. The time of surgery for the first knee came, and four days later, I was in rehab for two weeks, all the time taking daily communion. When I went to the surgeon for a follow-up visit, he remarked that he was surprised that I walked in without a walker and I had driven myself there for my appointment. "Amazing," he said. "Your body has healing properties."
The surgeon's plan was for total knee replacement of the first knee. When the recovery was complete, the customary thing to do was to wait six to twelve months, evaluating how quickly the body would respond to the results of the surgery... but that didn't happen. Two month's later, my knee was totally healed, as I was walking as if I hadn't had surgery at all. Amazing!
Two months later, the second knee was replaced with identical results. I never used the walker they provided except as required by the hospital and the rehab staff for insurance purposes, hearing the comments, "his recovery is amazing".
The visiting nurses who followed up on my home care were truly amazed at my recovery, so we just talked because it was healed in half the time, not once but twice.
The story gets better. Now, many people take daily communion, regardless of their health. They are seeing improvement of their health: surgeries are being canceled for cysts that have disappeared, and, oh yes, three people got "saved" during this whole encounter. Praise the Lord!
Just a noteworthy comment. I have not been sick one day since I had my surgeries three and a half years ago.
Now, when taking daily communion, have your life transformed through God's Son, Jesus Christ, remembering, when breaking the bread, to say "By His stripes, I am healed," 1st Peter 2:24. As you continue with your grape juice/wine, know that our sins are forgiven, and you will be healed... if you believe!
You need to have the faith to receive your healing and yes, you will be healed. "Faith is the sum of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen," Hebrews 11:1.
- Pastor Gary Stafford
Just in Time Ministries